• A First Century Church...


  • WE ARE

    Friendswood is a New Testament Christian Church


    A New Testament Christian Church means . . .

    . . . believing and doing what we see in the pages of Scripture.


    As the first century church followed the foundational teachings "of the apostles and prophets" (EPH 2:20) and had "everything pertaining to life and godliness" (2PE 1:3), we continue to be nurtured by the same ancient teachings. These teachings include what to believe about Jesus, how to become a Christian, expectations of those who are part of Christ's church, etc., and are echoed in the lessons and sermons at Friendswood.


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    A New Testament Christian Church means . . .

    . . . no creedal-based hierarchies that dictate our beliefs.


    Friendswood rejects creedal standings, recognizing their divisive history in the church, and instead opens the Bible and lets the Holy Spirit make the statements we believe in. To be sure, it makes 'shopping' for a church a bit more difficult as our 'list of ingredients' are the full oracles of God rather than man's 'essential oracles' of God, but for those seeking the church of the apostles, this stance will be welcomed rather than wearying.



    A New Testament Christian Church means . . .

    . . . being a help to you in your Christian life.


    Friendswood doesn't seek to fill out calendars and complicate assemblies. We meet on Sundays and Wednesdays to strengthen both ourselves and each other in our most holy faith (1CO 14:26; JUD 20). The hymns we sing express both our feelings and God's truths. The devotions and sermons and lessons expound the basics and explore the depths of the faith. The Lord's Supper is shared each week in both our Sunday morning service and our Sunday night study.




    Most errors in beliefs (and subsequently, practices) stem from an incomplete and/or faulty understanding of God. Recognizing this, we strive to present God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible.


    First, we recognize that He is the Creator of all things (the universe and everything within it). He owns all things and has total dictatorial rights over everything. His commands are not up for debate, nor are they optional to obey. God has revealed His will for His creatures "in many portions and in many ways" (HEB 1:1).


    Second, we recognize that He is Triune in nature, meaning that He exists as three distinct, yet inseparable Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. In JOH 14:16 and 2CO 13:14 (among others) we see a reference to each Person, and in various passages we see each Person referred to as God (the Father: EPH 4:6; the Son: 2PE 1:1; the Spirit: ACT 5:3,4). While this is a mystery to us, it is accepted as God's revelation of Himself.


    Third, we recognize that He is Personal in relation to us. He made the first move in establishing contact after creating this world, writing down what He did and giving that written record (GEN 1:1-2:4) to Adam. Throughout human history God has spoken to humanity through His messengers, and has also taken the extraordinary step of living among us in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. (HEB 1:1-3)


    Fourth, we recognize that He is lovingly Concerned for us. He created man with the freedom to choose; a dangerous power if misused. But He also gave directions to Adam in using his free will, warning him that disobedience would result in death (GEN 2:16,17). Even after Adam disobeyed, God continued to work with man rather than annihilate or ignore him. The ultimate expression of His love is allowing His Son, Jesus, to be a substitutionary sacrifice for sin.


    God created us that we may both glorify Him and also enjoy living in close fellowship with Him. Though Adam's sin broke that relationship, God has been laboring from then to bring about both an understanding of the seriousness of rebellion against Him and a path of restoration of a relationship with Him.


    We see that from the beginning humanity has known about God, and can deduce that as humanity spead out and increased upon the earth, that knowledge was corrupted, replaced, or simply not trasmitted to the following generations, resulting in new and different ideas arising among humans as to the working of the world and their relationship to it.


    Audio recordings of our Sunday and Wednesday night bible studies.

  • Written lessons of our Sunday school studies.



    9:15 am: Adult Class

    10:30 am: Church Service

    6:00 pm: "Gospel of Luke" Study



    6:00 pm: Chronological Bible Study


    If you are uncomfortable attending our service in person due to illness, here are a couple of elder-recommended live Sunday broadcasts (central time):

    9:30am - The Village Christian Church, Minooka IL

    11:30am - Montwood church of Christ, El Paso TX

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    (voice, messages, or texts)


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    RT 102 & Glenn RD

    (3268 N Glenn RD)

    Bourbonnais IL 60914


